Dallas Police Memorial

Thousands of law enforcement officials and political leaders attended a memorial service at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center for the five police officers killed in last week's shootings. President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush spoke.

Dallas Police Chief, David Brown, gave a moving speech using the lyrics of Stevie Wonder's song "As" before introducing President Obama. President Obama then delivered great, poignant speech like he always does, that not only brought out the humanity of the police officers killed, but touch on the killings of of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile that led to the protest that was going on when the shooting occurred. President Obama's speech starts at about 5:01 in the timeline.

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Former President George Bush, spoke at the Dallas Police Memorial.

The Full Interfaith Memorial Service including choir selections and speakers is below.

Stevie Wonder's "As" (with lyrics), from the Album, "Songs in the Key of Life".