August 2016 News

Below are news items from August 2016. For more current and breaking news items, see the main news page.

8-31-2016: Protester found guilty of assault after wiping pepper spray on St. Louis police chief

Editorial note: This is why jury nullification is so important. An off duty police officer shot and killed a black teen, however, no charges were filed. But when someone shocked at the injustice organizes a protest, charges were filed against them. The protester, Elizabeth Vega, stated “All I have is my truth, and a broken system that I will continue to fight until it becomes truly just,” … “I chose to fight (in court) so that power be held accountable, but clearly accountability only goes to protesters, not police officers who use pepper spray or chiefs who lie on the stand.” St. Louis has a history of corruption, which was a prinicipal reason this site was created, so forgive me if I don't always believe the police narrative. Vega's lawyer said he will appeal.

8-31-2016: Chicago official gets 10 years for role in dirty red light camera deal

8-31-2016: Grand jury to investigate hotly contested St. Louis primary election

8-31-2016: City's top prosecutor ordered to disclose IDs of witnesses and crime victims to defendants

8-31-2016: Messenger: St. Louis County residents are being fleeced by rural sheriffs

8-31-2016: Woman sues Albuquerque for seizing car despite ban on civil asset forfeiture

8-31-2016: Alzheimer's disease breakthrough as new drug clears toxic proteins from patients' brains

8-31-2016: Miami Police Want to Spend $100,000 on AR-15-Style Rifles

8-30-2016: For nine years, DEA withholds names of masked agents who violently raided two innocent women. Federal court shrugs

8-30-2016: Coca Cola facing terrorism support charges in Colombia

8-30-2016: Obama commutes terms of 111 more federal prisoners, including five from St. Louis

Editorial note: See related, "Obama Isn't Following Through on Pardons Promise".

8-30-2016: Study says $15 minimum wage would destroy 218,000 Missouri jobs

Editorial note:  Keep in mind it is already predicted that half of all US jobs will be eliminated because of computerization and robotics. 

free money for college

8-30-2016: Trooper’s chase of deaf man reached 100 mph before fatal shooting

8-30-2016: Did protester intentionally wipe pepper spray on St. Louis police chief? Jury hears case

Editorial note: Body cameras would have certainly helped in this case. A white woman organizes a protect because of Jennifer Joyce's decision not to bring charges against the white officer who shot  and killed Vonderitt Myers, a black teen. Common sense seems to suggest the woman probably wouldn't have used a racial slur against a black officer while protesting the death of a black teen. I could be wrong, but the two actions contradict each other. However, how does a racial slur directed towards a black officer, support the allegation that this white woman assaulted the white police chief?

8-30-2016: Stenger proposes studying MetroLink expansion through Ferguson

Editorial note: MetroLink expansion connecting Ferguson, the city that became the poster child for racial oppression, does make sense. Is Stenger up for re-election soon?

8-30-2016: Former federal prison worker in Illinois gets 4 months for smuggling tobacco, phone to inmate

Editorial note: According to the Department of Justice, Renee D. Strauss faced up to 5 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and 3 years of supervised release to follow any term of incarceration imposed on each of the two false statement counts. She faced a terms of up to 1 year in prison for providing the cellular telephone and up to 6 months in prison for providing the other contraband. Strauss was placed on bond pending sentencing. 

8-30-2016: Senate leader says slush fund for meals under review

8-29-2016: Partner of former St. Louis officer charged with murder loses immunity offer

Editorial note: As mentioned on August 15th, a plea to a much lessor crime will be made before Joyce leaves office. This will probably be the excuse used.

8-29-2016: KY Innocence Project claims prosecutors, police 'fabricated' evidence against man in 1987 murder

8-29-2016: Unprecedented overdose spike in Cincinnati seems to be leveling off

8-29-2016: Venezuela accuses US, opposition of planning coup

Editorial note: See "None Dare Call It Conpiracy"

8-29-2016: New Missouri law pushes divorce judges to establish equal child custody time

8-29-2016: FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

8-29-2016: Man hurls Molotov cocktail into 70-year-old woman's car as she's driving to church

8-29-2016: ‘Getting away with murder’ — The four words Colin Kaepernick’s critics won’t tackle 

Editorial note: Kaepernick, a professional football player, put his career and livelihood on the line by speaking out against the oppression of black people when he said “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color” and “There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” When entertainers and athletes speak up for us, we must stand with them.

8-28-2016: As tax incentive tab grows, St. Louis looks to better control abatements

8-28-2016: 'It was a conspiracy': recovering addicts wage legal battle over prescription use

8-27-2016: Two St. Louis officers must pay $600,000 to man for excessive force in arrest

8-27-2016: Rapid rise in newborns dependent on opioids has hospitals scrambling

Editorial note: Even though 90% of heroin addicts are white, the article is following a racial media bias tactic of showing majority black images associated with addicted heroin babies.

8-27-2016: US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations

Editorial note: You'll find information about Missouri Immunization Law on our Educational Oppression page.

8-27-2016: Police release video of officer using pepper spray on 84-year-old woman

8-26-2016: Four airlines fined for giving inaccurate compensation information

8-26-2016: Southern Poverty Law Center to list White Lives Matter movement as a hate group

Editorial note: Why the Black Lives Matter Movement is Important 

8-26-2016: Boston police union files injunction to stop body camera pilot program

8-26-2016: Horrific video shows 15-year-old black teen being chased by cops and shot at SIXTEEN TIMES – even as he was on his knees surrendering with hands up

8-26-2016: Court: Michigan stiffed deserving people out of food aid

8-26-2016: Harris-Stowe reports its largest incoming class

8-26-2016: St. Louis Fed to hire hundreds

8-26-2016: Portland Public Schools 'rap music' ban sparks allegations of racism

8-25-2016: Student gets probation for free speech

8-25-2016: NGA hazy on minority inclusion

8-25-2016: Maryland Heights police chief, top commander suspended with pay

8-25-2016: Heroin laced with elephant tranquilizer hits the streets

Editorial note: The elephant tranquilizer, Carfentanil, is 10,000 times stronger than morphine. See related "A Dose of Heroin Reality".

8-25-2016: Feds roll out new refinancing program for homeowners

Editorial note: Borrowers must have not missed any mortgage payments in the prior six months; must not have skipped more than one payment in the previous 12 months. I suspect the missed payment disqualifier will disproportionately affect African-Americans. Racial demographics have historically been used to disqualify African-Americans. I'm always skeptical whenever I see unusual qualification requirements.The very people who would benefit the most from refinancing and lower payments are being systematically disqualified. See "Race – The Power of an Illusion" section of our Government Discrimination page.

8-25-2016: Court rules public defender can't appoint Missouri governor as a defense attorney

8-25-2016: Dome owners still spending on failed riverfront stadium plan

8-24-2016: Oops! Most Stealing No Longer A Felony In Missouri Because Of Sloppy Wording

Editorial note: The Missouri Supreme Court decision from State v. Bazell, targets Missouri Revised Statute 570.030Subparagraph 1 defines stealing as “appropriat[ing] property or services of another with the purpose to deprive him or her thereof, either without his consent or by means of deceit or coercion.” Subparagraph 3, which was added as an enhancement to the code in 2002, classifies certain types of crimes as Class C felonies which relate to “any offense in which the value of property or services is an element.” In its opinion the court stated, "The definition of stealing in section 570.030.1 is clear an unambiguous, and it doesn not include the value of property or services an element of the offense. As a result, enhancement pursuant to section 570.030.3 does not apply". Because of the conflict between subparagraphs 1 and 3, the Rule of Lenity was applied.

8-24-2016: Cincinnati records massive heroin spike with 20 overdoses in single night

8-24-2016: Carl Williams shooting: Black man shot by Indiana police after calling them to report car-jacking

Editorial note: There is a constitutional right to bear arms, so shooting someone simply because they possess a gun is unexcusable and unexceptable. As we have stated before gun laws and rights are not applied equallly.  

8-24-2016: Complaint: Black students punished more harshly than whites

Editorial note: See related "Educational Oppression" and "School to Prison Pipeline" pages.

8-24-2016: Minnesota officer who fatally shot Castile back on leave

8-24-2016: Report of secret aerial surveillance by Baltimore police prompts questions, outrage

8-24-2016: St. Louis police chief joins discussion with FBI director on crime trends

8-23-2016: Police draw guns on terrified 10-year-old boy and chase him through streets after mistaking him for 6ft tall armed robbery suspect, 20

8-23-2016: Parents suing State of Mississippi about charter schools receiving public money

8-23-2016: St. Louis stadium financing fight sent back to lower court

8-23-2016: Second St. Louis police major sues over promotion, claims gender discrimination

Editorial note: This will certainly add an interesting twist. See our comments about the recent racial discrimination suit.

8-23-2016: Threat of legal action follows preliminary St. Louis County Council vote on apartment project

8-23-2016: Residency where marijuana is legal no reason for police search -U.S. court

8-23-2016: Secret Cameras Record Baltimore's Every Move From Above

Editorial note: Since January, police have been testing an aerial surveillance system adapted from the surge in Iraq. And they neglected to tell the public.

8-23-2016: Illinois governor's office warns of crippling pension payment hike

8-23-2016: Increase In Organ Donations, Heart Transplants

Editorial note: Heroin overdose deaths have resulted in more organ donations. See related "A Dose of Heroin Reality".

8-23-2016: Court considers Kansas rule that voters prove citizenship

8-23-2016: Phony War on Voter Fraud Looks Even Phonier

8-23-2016: Messenger: Voting rights case shines light on region's separate and unequal schools

Editorial note: See our related, "Educational Oppression" page.

8-23-2016: Bayer, Monsanto said to be moving closer to a merger deal 

Editorial note: See our post "Bayer and Monsanto a marriage made in Hell".

8-23-2016: No more 'Golden Week' for Ohio voters, court rules

8-23-2016: Schnucks bans solicitors including Girl Scouts, Salvation Army at stores

Editorial note: Action was taken in response to court filing by union employees wanting to protest on Schnucks property.

8-22-2016: Kobe Bryant reveals his $100 million venture capital fund

Editorial note: Kobe is providing a great example of how athletes and entertainers can utilize their earnings to create real wealth. As Chris Rock stated in the video clip below, there's a difference between being rich and being wealthy. WARNING: video contains language some might find objectionable or offensive.

8-22-2016: No Federal Charges Against Officer Who Shot Man in Car Stop

8-22-2016: Body Cam Video of Milwaukee Shooting Victim Won't Be Released

8-22-2016: Ex-Milwaukee officers investigate fatal police shooting, attorney general says

8-22-2016: The TSA Is Finding More and More Guns at Airport Checkpoints

8-22-2016: Virginia Governor Restores Voting Rights To Felons Again

8-22-2016: Seattle could open housing for homeless where it’s OK to use heroin

8-22-2016: North Carolina Police Kill Deaf Man After Chase

Editorial note: North Carolina police kill an unarmed deaf man who was trying to communicate via sign, over a speeding violation.

8-22-2016: Solar Sold in Chile at Lowest Ever, Half Price of Coal

Editorial note: Had Congress not fought Obama so hard against renewable energy, we might have cheaper electric in the U.S. as well.

8-22-2016: Ramen is displacing tobacco as most popular US prison currency, study finds

8-22-2016: Court told money short for Missouri death row inmate defense

8-22-2016: Judge halts school board elections in Ferguson-Florissant, saying they're stacked against black voters

8-22-2016: Aug. 22, 1876 • How the 'Great Divorce' of St. Louis City and St. Louis County started

Editorial note: Since Ferguson, African-American have exerted increasing political power. The Black population in St. Louis City is the majority population. St. Louis now has a Black Comptroller, Board of Alderman President, Treasurer, License Collector, presumptive Circuit Attorney and may soon have another Black Mayor. Merging the City and the County would effectively dillute the politial power of Black St. Louis City residents and would increase the percentage of Black St. Louis County resident, but Blacks would still be in the minority in St. Louis County, ensuring mostly White officials. See related, "St. Louis Municipalities, Better Together or Apart?"

8-22-2016: St. Louis vote fraud case heads to court Monday morning

8-22-2016: Suit claims Franklin County drug court participants forced to work as informers

8-20-2016: Witnesses who captured aftermath of controversial police shooting on video question quality of investigation

8-20-2016: Talks underway to consolidate fire functions in five St. Louis County municipalities

8-19-2016: Messenger: The water fountain returns as metaphor for division in St. Louis

8-19-2016: Justice Department Says Poor Can't Be Held When They Can't Afford Bail

Editiorial note: See related "Bail – Release from Custody"

8-19-2016: St. Louis jailer charged with weapons violation at scene of fatal shooting outside St. Louis funeral home

Editorial note: Correctional officers are considered law enforcement officers. It seems reasonable that a law enforcement officer would carry a weapon and likely pull it out during an active shooter situation. We assume the correctional officer was charge under RSMO 571.030 (unlawful use of a weapons), however, that same statute seems to exempt correctional officers. We have mentioned how Missouri Gun Laws are applied unevenly.

8-19-2016: Fort Worth Cop Who Pepper Sprayed Motorcyclists Sanctioned But Not Suspended

8-19-2016: Texas appeals court halts execution of man who did not kill anyone

8-19-2016: Texas set to execute a man who didn't kill anyone

8-19-2016: U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds

Editorial note: See "None Dare Call It Conspiracy".

8-19-2016: High court sides with employee fired for smoking pot at work

8-18-2016: West Virginia city has 27 heroin overdoses in 4 hours

8-18-2016: Neighbors of Biddle House homeless shelter north of downtown file complaint with HUD

8-18-2016: Dallas Police Department ends policy of waiting 72 hours to interview officers involved in shootings

8-18-2016: The white obsession with perfect victims of police violence is insulting to everyone’s intelligence

8-18-2016: Autopsy Reveals Unarmed Chicago Teen Paul O'Neal Was Shot In The Back By Police

8-18-2016: 7 Chicago cops recommended for firing in Laquan McDonald death

8-18-2016: Private Prison Stocks Sink After U.S. Signals the End

8-18-2016: US to end federal use of private prisons

8-18-2016: St. Louis board approves $5 million in tax credits for new north side stores

8-18-2016: White supremacist stabs interracial couple and then threatens to kill BLM protesters at Trump rally

8-18-2016: Activists Ask Why Cops "Subdued" White Face-Eater When So Many Black Suspects Are Shot

8-18-2016: Surprise! OCDA Clears Anaheim Cop in Fatal Shooting of Unarmed Man

8-18-2016: Organizers turn in signatures, advance plan to buy St. Louis police body cameras

8-18-2016: Appeals court in St. Louis hears debate over disclosing IDs of witnesses and crime victims

8-18-2016: The richest 10% hold 76% of the wealth

8-18-2016: High lead levels found in drinking fountains at some St. Louis schools

8-18-2016: Pakistani family sues NY school over forced ‘terrorist’ confession

8-17-2016: Officer In Castile Shooting Back At Work Wednesday

8-17-2016: Medicaid expansion supporters who staged protest found guilty of trespassing

Editorial note: The Missouri State Statute for Trespass is RSMO 569, sections 569.140 – 569.155. See our related "Protester Rights" page. This was a bogus conviction that will hopefully be appealed.

8-17-2016: St. Louis police major claims racial discrimination after he was passed over for promotion

Editorial note: It seems as if White plaintiffs have much greater success with discrimination suits than Black plaintiffs. Sgt. David Bonenberger was awarded $800,000 by an all white jury in a racial discrimination suit because he was passed up for promotion. Dan Isom, who is Black, was police chief at the time. Two former Harris-Stowe employees won discrimination lawsuit', Beverly Wilkins a white instructor was awarded $4.85 million in November 2015 and a month later, Shereen Abdel Kader, a former Caucasian professor of Egyptian origin, was awarded $2.5 million. In contrast, Laticha Green, a Black St. Louis paramedic, was denied her claim of racial discrimination against the City in May 2016, but was awarded only $50,000 on her retaliation claim. Maybe white privilege even helps win racial discrimination suits.

8-17-2016: St. Louis police open internal investigation after allegations officer slapped man downtown

Editorial note: You have to watch the videos to get a sense of how outrageous the response was. The amount of police responding to this incident was ridiculous.

8-17-2016: St. Louis Election Board asks local prosecutor and U.S. attorney to review allegations of voter fraud

8-17-2016: ‘Hero Mom’ Who Slapped Son During Baltimore Riots Left Homeless After Same Son Starts Accidental Fire

Editorial note: Hopefully she will raise enough on GoFundMe to purchase a house instead of renting an apartment.

8-17-2016: Grandfather: Man killed by police was just trying to survive

Editorial note: Gun possession in not illegal. Just because someone is armed in no excuse for law enforcement to kill them. Police unions need to stop fighting body cameras and cameras should be mandatory for all officers so that evidence can back up their claims that someone's life was in danger.

8-16-2016: Cartoon About Police Shootings In Boston Globe Provokes Controversy

A photo of a cartoon that ran in the opinion section of Monday's 'Boston Globe'.
A photo of a cartoon that ran in the opinion section of Monday's 'Boston Globe'. Credit: Cartoon by Mike Luckovich, photo taken by WGBH News staff

8-16-2016: Suing a Debt Collector? Now They Can Buy Your Lawsuit

Editorial note: If I ever file a lawsuit against a debt collector, I will now file a preemptive motion to prevent my lawsuit from being sold.

8-16-2016: Court to hear Birmingham Police appeal on use of pepper spray in high schools

8-16-2016: Arizona officials defend trooper who pulled gun on man, 7-year-old girl during traffic stop 

8-16-2016: Federal Judge Declares “Black Lives Matter” From the Bench

Editorial note: See our related post, "Why the Black Lives Matter movement is Important"

8-16-2016: New York City will pay $4.1M for police shooting of unarmed black man

8-16-2016: Case Of 2012 Chicago Fatal Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man Could Be Reopened

8-16-2016: No one volunteered, so Boston will assign bodycams to police

8-16-2016: Black Milwaukee Isn’t Rallying Behind a Criminal, It’s Protesting a City That Treats It Like One

8-16-2016: Court bars feds from prosecuting medical pot cases

8-16-2016: North Caroline State epidemiologist quits, says agencies misleading public about well water safety

8-16-2016: Ford says it will have a fully autonomous car by 2021

Editorial note: As we have mentioned before, half of all US jobs are predicted to be eliminated because of computerization and robotics. Job loss and legal issues go hand in hand. Use this site and learn more about the law.

8-16-2016: Milwaukee police chief was surprised by violence after fatal shooting

Editorial note: Good cops have for years protected bad cops and there is now an accumulated video record of cops caught lying about a suspect having a weapon or placing their life in danger. There is a boy who cried wolf sentiment now whenever a police officer kills a black person. Until we see video footage, we no cannot blindly accept police versions of events. Supposedly, body camera footage exists. That video should have been released immediately, especially if it supports the officer's version as truthful. By not releasing the video, the Milwaukee police only added to suspicions that the officer lied about being in danger and the shooting being justified.

8-15-2016: The Top News Events That Got America Talking About Race

8-15-2016: The Houston Man Who Refused to Plead Guilty Does Not Want an Apology

Editorial note: See our related Plea Bargain page.

8-15-2016: Former St. Louis officer pleads not guilty to first-degree murder indictment

Editorial note: Anthony Lamar Smith was killed in 2011, but the officer was not arrested until 2016, after a video surfaced. The situation makes you wonder just how motivated the current prosecutor is to actually convict this officer. I wouldn't be surprised if this case is pleaded down to a much lessor crime before the new prosecutor, Gardner, takes office.

8-15-2016: Faith leaders go on trial for protesting Missouri Senate as others echo call for Medicaid expansion

Editorial note: This is the type of case where jury nullification might prove useful. See our related protester rights page.

8-14-2016: National Guard Deployed in Milwaukee Amid Unrest Over Fatal Police Shooting

8-14-2016: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke requests mobilization of National Guard

Editorial note: David Clarke, the Black Milwaukee Sheriff, with his seemingly disdain for the black community he is a member, could potentially escalate the situation in Milwaukee into chaos. If Malcolm X was alive, he might try to find a new term to describe this man, as he might believe "house negro" too kind. Clarke has fully embraced racist ideology.

8-14-2016: Milwaukee Crowd Turns Violent After Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man

8-13-2016: Crowd gathers after Milwaukee officer fatally shoots man

8-13-2016: A secretive board controls access to prescription drugs for millions of Americans

8-13-2016: McKee buys Pruitt-Igoe site, a symbol of St. Louis's decline, and now, rebirth

Editorial note: Why would the City of St. Louis sell this land now after NGA decision to build their new facility in the area. Last year, alderperson Megan Green alleged widespread corruption. The City sold property to Paul McKee at bargain basement prices and then repurchased those same properties providing McKee with millions in profits. St. Louis invoked eminent domain to force families from their homes to make way for NGA, why would they allow an option to remain in force on land that would exponentially increase in value. Maybe there needs to be a Federal Investigation. 

8-13-2016: Nonprofit helps St. Louis area residents avoid municipal misdemeanor arrests

8-12-2016: Pittsburg: Whistleblower cops claim department falsified reports, failed to document use of force

8-12-2016: Jury acquits Parma man who made fake Facebook page mocking police department

Editorial note: This case is a prime example of why you should think twice before accepting a plea bargain simply out of fear. Prosecutors routinely file charges they know they can't win in court to scare people into pleading guilty to lesser offenses. 

8-12-2016: Messenger: Ferguson's bumbling court costs Naval vet his security clearance

Editorial note: A Ferguson police officer initiated an a bogus encounter with an innocent black man and the Ferguson Municipal prosecutor and court made a series of mistakes that cost the man his six figure job. Another example why its important to know how to navigate the system to protect your rights.

8-12-2016: End Prisons-for-Profit

8-12-2016: ‘Godd*mn, what is this?’: Trevor Noah shocked by chaotic video of cops gunning down unarmed black man

8-12-2016: CBS Reporter Asks Mother Of Fatally Shot, Unarmed Black Man If Her Son Was A "Hoodlum"

8-12-2016: Black Mississippi Father Gets Indicted For Child’s Death In Hot Car, White Mother from Same State Does Not

8-12-2016: Woman settles lawsuit, now OK to use '8THEIST' license plate

8-11-2016: Baltimore Officers ‘Coerced Sex in Exchange for Immunity from Arrest’, Pointing to Larger Nationwide Issue of Police Sexual Abuse

8-11-2016: The Weeknd donates $250,000 to Black Lives Matter

Editorial note: It is refreshing to see all the black celebrities taking a stand against oppression. As we have mentioned before, there will be backlash just as there was against the WNBA players. We must stand in support of those who stand up for us.

8-11-2016: Prosecutors who falsify or withhold evidence could become felons under proposed California legislation

Editorial note: This is a no brainer that should already be law in every state including MIssouri. Write your state representative and let them know you want a similar law in Missouri.

8-11-2016: I'm a Judge and I Think Criminal Court Is Horrifying

Editorial note: Anyone interested in learning about the criminal court system should read this article about a bankruptcy judge who had no idea how racist the criminal courts were.

8-11-2016: Appeals Court: Judge Can't Erase Defendant's Record

8-11-2016: Denver officer cleared in fatal shooting of unarmed bank robbery suspect

8-11-2016: Lawsuits Show Tense Relations Between Police, Blacks in Iowa

8-11-2016: Some Women Won’t ‘Ever Again’ Report a Rape in Baltimore

8-11-2016: Cop in charge of Charles Kinsey shooting still suspended but now paid

8-11-2016: Venezuela food crisis deepens as shipments plummet

Editorial note: Venezuela was the richest economy in South America. This is what happens when an economy fail and the sort of senario that Obama probably saved the United States from when he took office.

8-11-2016: Judge Orders Man Free After 28 Years, Cites Unfair Trial

Editioral note: Who cares more your freedom than yourself? Even when you have an attorney do your own legal research and learn as much about the law as you can. 

8-11-2016: Federal judges: Racially tainted General Assembly districts must be redrawn

8-11-2016: DEA regularly mines Americans' travel records to seize millions in cash

8-11-2016: Marijuana to remain illegal under federal law, DEA says

Editorial note: Beware a false sense of security of States legalizing marijuana. Federal law supersedes state law. California, a state that legalized marijuana, have used federal asset forfeiture laws against businesses licensed under state law to seize millions of dollars. You may also risk being sent to jail under federal law even if legal under state law.

8-11-2016: Macy's is closing another 100 stores

Editiorial note: 50% of all jobs in the US will be eliminated by according to studies. We suggest you start developing skills to keep yourself marketable in the future. We also suggest you use this site to educate yourself about the law. Job loss often creates legal issues when you can least afford to hire an attorney.

8-11-2016: Aspiring agents learn from mistakes of FBI's 'shameful' investigation of Martin Luther King Jr.

8-10-2016: Video: Cops Shoot Mentally Ill Black Man 16 Times

8-10-2016: Baltimore police strip-searched a woman in public for a broken taillight

8-10-2016: Federal report blasts Baltimore police over bias, use of force

8-10-2016: Four arrested while disrupting Muny show singing 'freedom song' on anniversary of Mike Brown's death

Editorial note: St. Louis Muny's 'Aida' actor Ken Page responds to Black Lives Matter protest which stopped the show shown in the video below.

8-10-2016: States win the right to limit municipal broadband, beating FCC in court

8-10-2016: Former Principia student claims juror was coerced before vote to convict him of sodomy

Editorial note: An 81 year old juror member felt coerced to vote guilty when she did not agree with that verdict. Had she known about jury nullification, she might have voted differently. I couldn't help but wonder if white privileged played a factor in her opinion and if she would have felt the same if the defendant was black. The person being held down and penetrated won't consider that act to be a joke or prank. The Missouri Sodomy Statute is RSMO 566.060 and see related RSMO 566.010 for definition of "Deviate sexual intercourse".

8-10-2016: Car hits protester, gunfire briefly erupts at Ferguson protest

Editorial note: Yesterday was the two year anniversary of Michael Brown's death. During a peaceful commemoration event a protester was injured when by a car and shots were fired when the driver tried to flee. See related Ferguson comments on the Mothers of the Movement post.

8-10-2016: LAPD officer charged in assault quietly avoids jail time under plea deal with prosecutors

8-10-2016: Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

8-9-2016: Justice Department report: Baltimore police routinely violated civil rights

8-9-2016: Woman fatally shot by Fla. police officer during gun demonstration

8-9-2016: Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Kills Man Mistakenly Identified As Carjacking Suspect

8-9-2016: North Carolina man charged with fatally shooting black man after complaining to police about 'hoodlums'

8-9-2016: FBI chief Comey: “We have never had absolute privacy”

8-8-2016: Brian Rice, highest-ranking officer cleared in Freddie Gray's death, to get $127K in back pay

8-8-2016: Federal judge orders records involving St. Louis officer charged with murder to remain sealed

8-8-2016: Chicago Police say three West Side gangs plotting to shoot cops

Editorial note: Police in Baltimore issued a similar warning that turned out to be false, see, "Baltimore police rebuked for 'uncorroborated' gang threat report on day of Freddie Gray funeral". Also see, ""

8-8-2016: Police will be required to report officer-involved deaths under new US system

8-8-2016: Forcing Low-Income Owners to Pay to Challenge Civil Forfeiture Cases is Unconstitutional, Michigan Court Rules

8-8-2016: Special report: In 702 shootings by Chicago police, zero federal civil rights charges filed

8-8-2016: St. Louis opens a downtown homeless shelter, but overnight stays on hold for now

8-7-2016: Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a 'real opportunity' for white nationalists

Editorial note: See "White Supremacy"

8-7-2016: Term About Over, Pennsylvania's Top Prosecutor Goes on Trial

8-7-2016: State ethics commission still awaits fired prosecutor

8-7-2016: Set up to keep a leash on spies, America's most secret court has lost its way

8-6-2016: FBI Dumps 18 Hours of Spy Plane Footage From Black Lives Matter Protests

8-6-2016: T.I. Tackles Police Brutality, Social Injustice on ‘We Will Not’

8-6-2016: Why Did L.A. Taxpayers Just Give $50,000 to a Cop Widely Accused of Racism?

8-6-2016: Judge Rejects Prosecutor's Plea Deal With Former Top Cop of Nation's Largest Sheriff's Department

8-6-2016: Trump Rhetoric, Police Brutality Videos Give White Folks New Perception of Racism in the U.S.

8-6-2016: 2 jailers moved into policing jobs after Sandra Bland’s death

Editorial note: See comments made by Sandra Bland's mother during the Mothers of the Movement appearance at the DNC.

8-6-2016: Watchdog: Dallas woman discovers new Secret Service sex scandals through public information requests

8-6-2016: 2 years later, Ferguson protests have produced some change

Editorial note: See related, "Police criticize appearance of Mike Brown’s mother at DNC"

8-6-2016: Walk marks second anniversary of death of Michael Brown in Ferguson

8-5-2016: SFPD union’s dog photo called insult to Black Lives Matter cause

Editorial note: "It's foolish to let your oppressor tell you to forget the oppression they inflicted on you"

8-5-2016: US to lift a ban on part-human part-animal embryo development

Editorial note: "just because you can doesn't mean you should"

8-5-2016: Chicago Releases Videos From Police Officers’ Killing of 18-Year-Old

8-5-2016: Chicago police warn of 'civil unrest' ahead of video release

8-5-2016: ‘I lost it, I just snapped’: Indiana police officer shot fellow cop in fit of jealousy

8-5-2016: George Zimmerman punched in face for bragging about killing Trayvon Martin, witnesses allege

8-5-2016: A black social worker called 911 because she was afraid of a cop. A violent arrest followed

8-4-2016: Two Muslim women who work for US government escorted off plane as they made staff ‘uncomfortable'

8-4-2016: Truth Telling Project kicks off Michael Brown Memorial Weekend

8-4-2016: EXCLUSIVE: Buying Justice: Private Jets And Campaign Donations Jeopardize High Court’s Integrity

8-4-2016: Can America make Black Lives Matter without making white lives better?

8-4-2016: Supreme Court Blocks Transgender Bathroom Ruling

8-4-2016: Why people are upset about the police shooting of Korryn Gaines — even if she shot at cops

8-4-2016: William Chapman shooting: Virginia officer found guilty of manslaughter

Editorial note: Stephen Rankin, who had been charged with first-degree murder in the killing of black 18-year-old was convicted of voluntary manslaughter. When justice is served, there is no need for protest and it's doubtful if anyone will feel the need to resort to retaliation. 

8-4-2016: Charles Kinsey Sues North Miami Cop Who Shot Him

8-4-2016: North Miami Police Commander Won't Face Charges in Therapist Shooting

8-4-2016: Nixon says public defender maneuver not legal

Editorial note: Governor Nixon was drafted by the public defender's office to represent a poor defendant in court.

8-4-2016: 'Overburdened' public defender's office assigns client to Missouri governor

8-4-2016: Durbin claims 40 percent of drug overdose deaths in Illinois involve heroin

See related "A dose of heroin reality

8-3-2016: Why some whites are waking up to racism

8-3-2016: Obama shortens terms for 214 prisoners; 67 had life sentence

Editorial note: See related "".

8-3-2016: Sentencing postponed for former Pine Lawn cop in civil rights case

8-3-2016: Comcast Says It Wants to Charge Broadband Users More For Privacy

8-3-2016: Chicago's 'Skullcap Crew': band of police accused of brutality evade discipline

8-3-2016: Police can disarm 'suspects' without violence—when they choose to

8-3-2016: ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Bill Would Grant Cops Hate Crime Protection From Protesters in New York

8-3-2016: St. Louis Zoo nominated for ‘Best Free Attraction’ in America

Editorial note: The Zoo is free to everyone except St. Louis City and County residents who pay property tax to support it. I suspect one of the reasons the Zoo made the list is because most other attractions in the same class or caliber as the St. Louis Zoo charges an admission, at least to those living outside the taxing district. As a former airline employee, I've visited many other cities and there are few cities that a St. Louis resident can visit and enjoy free zoos and other attractions. Although Chicago has a free zoo, they also have one that requires admission. Why do we as a city believe we must provide to others what others refuse us?

8-3-2016: With Primary Victory, Kimberly Gardner Is Poised to Become St. Louis' First Black Circuit Attorney

Editorial note: St. Louis needs a Black circuit attorney. Black prosecutors are more likely to treat African-American suspects and defendants more fairly than their white counterparts. However, we need to hold the Circuit Attorney accountable and stand behind her when she stands up for us. Those in power who want to maintain the status quo will result to character assassination and attempt intimidation similar to what happened in Baltimore. Also see the St. Louis American article, "Gardner to make history as STL city's first African-American circuit attorney". Hopefully, Gardner will reopen investigations into some past questionable police shootings.

8-2-2016: D.C. stun gun ban being challenged on Second Amendment grounds

8-2-2016: Illegal in Massachusetts: Asking Your Salary in a Job Interview

8-2-2016: Suspect shot, critically injured after pointing gun at St. Louis officer, police say

Editorial note: Because police departments have allowed bad cops to get away with murder, their level of credibility has been reduced. There was a time when I took reports about the police shooting an armed criminal at face value, but no more. Now i want to see the evidence. Too many cops have been caught lying after a video surfaced. The St. Louis Police Union cannot fight body cameras and then be expected to be automatically believed when they fought the very thing that may have proved their version true.

8-1-2016: ‘Blue Lives Matter bill’ goes into effect today in Louisiana

8-1-2016: Law professor goes after Maryland prosecutor for Freddie Gray case

Editorial note: An unarmed man was killed while in police custody, but instead of getting upset that no one was held accountable, a white law professor wants to bring ethic charges against the black prosecutor for seeking justice. This is clearly an intimidation tactic to remind uppity black prosecutors to stay in their place in regards to white police officers. This is why we need more black prosecutors.

8-1-2016: U.S. slavery reparations sought in first Black Lives Matter agenda

8-1-2016: Chicago police: Body camera didn't record cop's fatal shooting of teen in back

8-1-2016: Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law

8-1-2016: 2 Missouri police academies close due to low enrollment

8-1-2016: Unlikely alliance forms to raise money for St. Louis police body cameras

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