October 2016 News

Below are news items from October 2016. For more current and breaking news items, see the main news page.

10-31-2016: Racial equity training starts for St. Louis city workers

10-31-2016: Autistic black teen got lost running a 5K — and was assaulted by a man who feared getting mugged

10-31-2016: Opioid epidemic: ex-DEA official says Congress is protecting drug makers

Editorial note: During the 1980's and 1990's the U.S. Government allowed drugs to be imported into black communities which strenghened drug networks that are now devastating white communities.  When you turn a blind eye to the oppression of others, eventually oppression visits you because of you silence; see "First They Came". The same rights violations groups such as Black Lives Matter are protesting against will begin to increase in white communities especially if those communities continue experience increasing drug addiction rates.

10-31-2016: Police Killing of Mentally Ill Black Man Is, 5 Years Later, Headed to Trial

10-31-2016: Civil trial begins on claim that Ferguson police misused Taser in fatal encounter

10-31-2016: Study Finds Racial Discrimination by Uber and Lyft Drivers

10-30-2016: America's 'invisible' Muslims

10-28-2016: Messenger: In gunfire-rampant St. Louis, the shot tracker takes a three month break

10-28-2016: Denver police officer accused of stealing cash from suspect after body camera reveals missing money

10-28-2016: Mass. cop's wife faked home robbery, blamed Black Lives Matter, police say

10-28-2016: CIA to put millions of declassified documents online

10-28-2016: 'Do Not Resist' is a startling look at the militarization of American police forces

10-28-2016: Happy birthday to the Arch: A simple design, but nothing simple about building it

Editorial note: See our related post, "St. Louis' Arch Golden Anniversary".

10-28-2016: Incoming Missouri legislator files defamation suit against colleague who accused him of rape

10-28-2016: 'This is slavery': U.S. inmates strike in what activists call one of the biggest prison protests in modern history

10-28-2016: Acquittal raises fears that militant groups could get bolder

10-27-2016: Municipal League backs talks that could reunite St. Louis, county

Editorial note: A merger would dilute the political power of African-Americans and reduce the number of blacks serving on juries in trials as we mentioned on 10-25-2016.

10-27-2016: Jury acquits leaders of Oregon standoff of federal charges

Editorial note: A shinning example of white privilege. We predicted this outcome in February in our post, "Why the Oregon Terrorist May Go Free". A group of armed white men took over a Federal Building and will now go free. This is why we need to demand jury trials and participate in the jury process and use jury nullification when we are unfairly targeted and prosecuted. Unarmed black men are being killed in alarming numbers while white men who seized federal land while armed with military grade weapons were treated with kid gloves and eventually aquited of charges. As Malcolm X once stated, "In America, Democracy is Hypocrisy".

10-27-2016: Aldermen move forward with sales tax increase

Editorial note: Under the Hancock Amendment, any increase in taxes must be approved by voters. Why do our elected officials continue to throw money to Paul McKee. See our July 8th comments about this project.

10-27-2016: The Black Codes and Black Lives Matter

Editorial note: To see a sampling of the blackcodes, see "The Truth About How Slavery Started"

10-27-2016: Two deadlines looming to file claims for Jennings settlements

10-27-2016: Ex-Rocky Ford cop James Ashby sentenced to 16 years for killing Jack Jacquez

10-27-2016: Negligent cop threatened sick, crawling man with arrest

10-27-2016: Obama shortens prison sentences for 98 convicts: White House

Editorial note: See related, "Obama Isn't Following Through on Pardons Promise".

10-27-2016: Meet George Jetson: Uber sees flying commuters in 10 years

10-26-2016: More than one in four teachers are chronically absent from school

10-26-2016: Denver Police Department is rewriting its use-of-force policy

Editorial note: The United States has a long history of police brutality. The new Denver police policy will encourage officers to use the minimum amount of force necessary. This is the policy that St. Louis area police should have immediated adopted after Ferguson. However, this is the policy police departments all across the county should have already had in place.

10-26-2016: Racists Anonymous helping to make people aware of their own biases

10-26-2016: George Allen Jr., who won St. Louis murder conviction reversal after 30 years, remembered for tenacity

10-26-2016: No charges after incoming Missouri representative accused St. Louis colleague of rape

Editorial note: See our Oct. 7th comments to understand why this outcome was predictable.

10-26-2016: This Missouri man promised women big money to audition for porn films; then he blackmailed them, prosecutors say

10-26-2016: Off-duty CNY cop refuses to cooperate after 1-car crash; DA says he can't charge anyone

Editorial note: The police officer and the owner of a vehicle involved in an accident refused to cooperate with investigators. Since there were two people in the car and the investigators can't determine or prove who was driving, no charges are being filed in the case.

10-26-2016: Santa Ana to pay marijuana dispensary $100,000 after video appears to back police harassment claims

10-26-2016: Wikileaks shows Clinton advisers contemplating how to respond to Ferguson grand jury in '14

Editorial note: We rarely comment on individual political candidates, but Republican Lindsey Graham said it best when he expressed the sentiment that crooked beats crazy. Others have expressed, no one is crooked all the time and a crook can change, but crazy is always crazy. This site's primary function concerns the law and the next president will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will affect our legal and justice system for decades. It's important to choose wisely, even when the choices are the lessor of two evils.

10-26-2016: White House Urges Ban on Non-Compete Agreements

10-26-2016: The Skype sex scam – a fortune built on shame

10-25-2016: Could St. Louis become the 91st municipality in St. Louis County?

Editorial note: St. Louis City has a majority black population and has a Black Board of Alderman President, Black Comptroller, Black Treasurer, Black License Collector, recently elected it's first presumptive Black Prosecutor and may even soon have a Black Sheriff and another Black Mayor. Re-joining St. Louis County would dilute black political influence and many of the offices currently held by African-Americans would be lost to county control. In St. Louis City the odds of getting a jury truely made up of your peers is probable. A merger would result in traffic and criminal charges most likely prosecuted by a white prosecutor, in front of a white judge and decided by a mostly white if not all white jury. 

10-25-2016: So long, St. Louis: Company headquarters that have moved out

Editorial note: See our post, "Lessons St. Louis Needs to Learn from Losing the Rams" for comments about why St. Louis is being abandoned by so many businesses and institutions.

10-25-2016: Beer run! Self-driving Otto truck goes 120-plus miles on delivery for Anheuser-Busch

Editorial note: If you drive for a living, you better start developing another skill! Self-driving vehicles, and other technologies the will eliminate half of all jobs in the United States.

10-25-2016: Cardinals announce second phase of Ballpark Village, with luxury apartments, retail, offices

10-25-2016: Carjacking suspect is fatally shot by St. Louis County police officer

10-25-2016: 77 Maryland Families Evicted After Their Condo Association Fails to Pay Utility Bills 

Editorial note: For many people, having no maintenance responsibility is a big draw to living in a condo. However, condo fees usually rise each year. According to the U.S. Census, average condo association fees run $2,400 annually or about $200 a month. As a home owner, if I don't want to cut the grass, rake the leaves or shovel the snow, for $200 per month, I could easily find someone to do those chores for me. Do your homework into the hidden cost and fees of condo ownership if you are considering one.

10-25-2016: Murder trial starts for ex University of Cincinnati cop who shot black motorist

10-25-2016: AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit, New Documents Reveal

Editorial note: Although we wrote positive comments about AT&T in an earlier post, we still remain committed to providing information about your rights possibly being violated. 

10-25-2016: Two corrupt cops joined forces with drug dealers. Now, dozens of criminal cases could be in jeopardy

10-25-2016: Judge Rules Nashville’s Airbnb Regulations Unconstitutional 

Editorial note: Cities have been tightning regulation of the fast growing short term home rentals, possibly sponsored by the hotel industry lobby.

10-24-2016: Federal judge says Michigan can’t ban “ballot selfies”

10-24-2016: Justice Dept. Shakes Up Inquiry Into Eric Garner Chokehold Case

10-24-2016: Lincoln County judge accused of 'troubling' violations won't fight recommended suspension

Editorial note: See our related page on Reporting Misconduct by Judges.

10-24-2016: TD Ameritrade, Toronto-Dominion Buy Scottrade for $4 Billion

Editorial note: The St. Louis area is losing yet another major corporate headquarters and jobs.

10-24-2016: America’s Biggest Private Prison Company Let Inmates Kill Each Other, Lawsuit Claims

Editorial note: Check out some of our prison post: "40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People"; "The Secret Meeting That Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation"; "Jail is a Slave Warehouse"; "Going to Jail for the First Time"; "From Captive to Captor: A Journalist's Journey from Prisoner to Prison Guard"; and Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail"

10-24-2016: Ex-attorney general sentenced to jail, then cuffed in court

10-24-2016: Obama administration confirms double-digit premium hikes

10-24-2016: Congress knew for at least two years about Pentagon efforts to take back bonuses from veterans

10-21-2016: St. Louis is the STD capital of the U.S.

10-21-2016: Minnesota police officers won't be disciplined in shooting death of black man

10-21-2016: NC judge convicted of trying to bribe federal agent with Bud Light

10-21-2016: Baltimore police union knocks Mosby on bench trial proposal

10-21-2016: Woman wrongly jailed 96 days without bail appeals denial of civil rights violation

10-20-2016: The dream of white privilege in Kirkwood

Editorial note: See our related "White Privilege" page, comments about Kirkwood's Meachman Park and Cookie Thornton.

10-20-2016: Assisted-suicide law prompts insurance company to deny coverage to terminally ill California woman

Editorial note: Insurance company won't pay for treatment but will pay for suicide medicine.

10-20-2016: Scholarship can't quite meet the demand of Missouri's brightest college students

10-20-2016: Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Deputies Side with Inmates on Fourth Day of Hunger Strike

10-20-2016: Judge rules that Iowa DOT illegally issued a speeding ticket

10-20-2016: Georgia teen loses leg after teacher’s ‘body slam,’ attorney says

10-19-2016: St. Louis offers break for those with outstanding warrants

10-19-2016: McKee's Northside Regeneration plan hits a snag

10-19-2016: Cops Gone Wild: 12 Officers Face Investigation In Beating Of 4 Unarmed Black Men

10-19-2016: New York police 'failed' in fatal shooting of a 66 year-old woman, commissioner says

10-19-2016: 2,000 Seattle teachers wear ‘Black Lives Matter’ shirts to class

10-19-2016: Texan students storm out after professor says we’re all of African descent

10-19-2016: Jailed 96 days on bogus charge: It is no one's fault?

10-19-2016: New Rules Would Require Airlines To Refund Baggage Fees For Delayed Luggage

10-18-2016: Racial Disparities in Police 'Stingray' Surveillance, Mapped

Note: Cops are using secret cellphone trackers nationwide to collect cellphone data—especially in poor, black neighborhoods

10-18-2016: St. Louis redevelopment authority approves issuing $120 million in bonds for NGA site work

10-18-2016: FBI: Drop in total law enforcement officers killed on duty

10-18-2016: Judge denies new trial for 2 St. Louis cops ordered to pay $600,000 in excessive force lawsuit

10-18-2016: Paradise Cop Who Took 11 Minutes To Report Shooting Found Guilty Of Involuntary Manslaughter

Editorial note: Prosecutors initially were not going to prosecute, but protests prompted the filing of charges. 

10-18-2016: Cops Have a Database of 117M Faces. You’re Probably in It

10-18-2016: Student’s leg to be amputated after altercation with teacher, lawyer says

10-18-2016: Boy asks mom to pack 2 lunches after noticing student with hardly any food eating alone

10-18-2016: “5” Reasons White People Want “Birth of a Nation” To Be A Failure

Editorial note: See our related post, "Character Assassination of Nate Parker – Birth of a Nation"

10-17-2016: Black Movie Sabotage at AMC Esquire?

10-17-2016: St. Louis City extends hours to clear non-violent warrants

10-17-2016: Head of nation's largest police chief group issues formal apology for 'historical mistreatment' of racial minorities

Editorial note: See our related post, "Long History of Police Brutality"

10-17-2016: FBI Director Comey speaks on police bias against black men

Editorial note: See, "Why White Cops Kill Black Men"

10-17-2016: Mortgage mistake nearly leads to foreclosure

10-17-2016: As the economy improves, evictions in St. Louis remain stubbornly high

10-17-2016: St. Louis Public Schools Graduation Rate Below National Average

10-17-2016: Arkansas judge who 'traded sexual favours' in return for lighter sentences indicted

10-16-2016: Video Shows Black Man Being Arrested For Apparently Walking In Street

10-16-2016: Walking on sunshine: Idaho company debuts solar sidewalks

10-15-2016: Pennsylvania bill would protect identity of officers in police-involved shootings

10-15-2016: Judge dismisses Sandy Hook families' lawsuit against gun maker

10-15-2016: Russia chooses myth over history in new WWII movie

Editorial note: In the "Art of War," Sun Tzu stated, "all warfare is based upon deception". U.S. history is no exception and is full of myth and propaganda. Although many of our founding fathers were slave owners, they are celebrated as champions of freedom and liberty. Just days ago, the U.S. celebrated Columbus Day, honoring one of history's worst enslavers of people, as a discovering hero. Jessica Lynch, who was seriously injured and captured during the 2003 invasion of Iraq was held up as a hero because she fought fiercely and shot several enemy soldiers, even though she never fired a shot. 

10-14-2016: Man raped in jail gets billed for care

10-14-2016: Students expelled after Facebook group calls for 'execution' of Jews, black people

10-14-2016: ACLU & HRW Call to Decriminalize Drug Use & Possession After Documenting Arrests Every 25 Seconds

10-14-2016: Students Selling "All White People Are Racist" Hoodies Sparks Controversy

Editorial noteJane Elliot, a former teacher and noted anti-racism activist, stated: "If you graduated from high school and you aren't a racist, you weren't listening, you should have gotten an "F" in social studies…we are conditioned to the myth of white superiority from the moment of birth," in response to the question; "are all white people racist?".

10-14-2016: “To be white is to be racist,” Norman student offended by teacher’s lecture

10-14-2016: Young black doctor says Delta attendant refused her help

10-14-2016: Google Receives Increasing Number of Government Requests

10-14-2016: Rwanda begins Zipline commercial drone deliveries

10-13-2016: Cleveland ordered to pay $13.2 million judgment for police officer in wrongful conviction suit

10-13-2016: Arizona’s Civil Forfeiture Laws Now Face Civil Rights Lawsuits and Federal Investigations

10-13-2016: Police group's endorsement of Trump stirs debate among ranks

10-13-2016: Black Lives Matter, Ministers Oppose NYPD Body Cameras Bidder

Editorial note: If there is concern about the quality of the low bidder's camera system, the simple answer would be to include some miniumum operational and performance standards that if not met cancels the contract. 

10-13-2016: Justice Department to Track Use of Force by Police Across U.S.

10-13-2016: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram cut off surveillance tool used to track protesters

10-13-2016: FBI to compile a national database on use of force by police agencies

10-13-2016: Missouri's working poor deserve better from lawmakers

10-13-2016: Aldermen may issue ultimatum to St. Louis police chief: resign or don't run for mayor

10-13-2016: We've Reached the End of White Christian America

10-12-2016: St. Louis aldermen advance financing for McKee grocery store

10-12-2016: Cherry Creek Schools defend 'white privilege' survey issued to staff

10-11-2016: Slurs shouted, police called after players kneel during national anthem, Pa. coach says

10-11-2016: St. Louis Board of Aldermen to hold hearings about use of police dashboard videos

10-11-2016: Another do-over election in St. Louis is ordered, again over improperly cast absentee ballots

10-11-2016: Man drives through crowd of Columbus Day protesters

Editorial note: See our related post, "Columbus Day: Celebrating Slavery and Genocide".

10-11-2016: US start-up Geofeedia 'allowed police to track protesters'

10-11-2016: Nearly 90% of New Jersey children tried as adults since 2011 were black or Latino

10-11-2016: Honda 3D prints compact delivery EV

Editorial note: 3D printing, robotics, drones, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence are among the technologies the will revolutionize the world and eliminate half of all jobs in the United States. Job loss and legal action are closely related which is why you need to learn how to perform legal research to protect yourself when you don't have the financial resources to hire legal professionals.

10-10-2016: Dozens of suspicious court cases, with missing defendants, aim at getting web pages taken down or deindexed

10-10-2016: DC woman's charges dropped after body cam video released

10-10-2016: Delaware Pastor Faces Possible Fines for Helping Homeless

10-10-2016: Missouri's 'right-to-farm' amendment doesn't apply to marijuana growers, St. Louis judge says 

10-10-2016: Public input sought on minority participation in St. Louis County contracts

10-9-2016: Man who told police about sexts sent by stepdaughter convicted under child porn laws

10-7-2016: Vermont police shooting deemed justified

10-7-2016: Vermont ditches Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples' Day, Hartford may make the switch for good

Editorial note: See our related post, "Columbus Day: Celebrating Slavery and Genocide".  Vermont becomes the 2nd US state to recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day. At least four states do not celebrate Columbus Day (Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, and South Dakota) with South Dakota officially celebrating Native American Day instead and Hawaii celebrates Discoverers' Day, commemorating the Polynesian discoverers of Hawaii.

10-7-2016: Aldermen pass legislation limiting campaign contributions to $10,000 in St. Louis elections

Editorial note: The U.S. Supreme Court in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission ruled that contributions made to candidates, issues or a political party is protected free speech under the 1st amendment. Therefore this more might simply be political window dressing to give the appearance that something is being done about St. Louis Corruption.

10-7-2016: She had an Illinois lottery ticket worth $50,000, until courts said it was bought with drug money

Editorial note: Civil forfeiture law "theft" taken to a whole new level. 

10-7-2016: Former Ferguson jail guard admits allowing inmate to escape

10-7-2016: US police officer who 'sodomised black man with screwdriver' allowed to keep working

10-7-2016: Chicago police announce new limits on use of force

10-7-2016: City, police union agree on body camera policies

Editorial note:  I agree with the ACLU, officers who review the footage ahead of time could choose to leave out information if it didn’t appear on video.

10-7-2016: Messenger: Rape allegation inspires previous Roberts accuser to speak up

Editorial note: Rape is a horrible crime and my comments are not intended to be insensitive to victims of rape. It seems unusual for an exceptionally bright married woman to accept an invitation to an man's house at 9:30 p.m. to discuss amoung all things legislative business, before either of them has officially won office, while drinking wine. As an attorney, law professor, and politician, Ms Walker most likely knew about the prior allegations against Roberts since it was widely reported in the news. However, knowing the law and not immediately reporting the incident to police or going to the hospital to have a rape kit then waiting weeks later to report the incident also seems unusual. I do have to commend Ms. Walker for allowing herself to be named. Usually rape victims are not named to protect the victim, but the accused can sometimes be the victim when false allegations are made. Not hidding behind anonymity does lend more credibility to her claim. 

10-6-2016: Financial literacy to be part of Washington school learning

Editorial note: Financial literacy should be a requirement in every school district. Practical and useful subjects such as home economics, carpentry or some other everyday skill should be available at every school. Years ago while visiting my brother, I asked; since we grew up in the same house, how did you learn to cook and I didn't? He replied, I learned to cook in high school in home ec.

10-6-2016: 21st Ward Alderman Antonio French enters mayor's race

10-6-2016: Missouri Supreme Court to weigh in on St. Louis' minimum wage law

10-6-2016: St. Louis County police officer shot while answering disturbance call has died

Editorial note: The 33 year-old white police officer, this first on duty St. Louis County Police Officer killed in sixteen years was murdered by an 18 year old white male. I doubt police will now profile and fear 18 year-old whilte males. But had the suspect been an 18 year-old black male, that might have been used to justify recent killings of unarmed black men. My sympathies go out to the family and friends of officer Blake Snyder, we are truely sorry for your loss; may he rest in peace. I too lost a friend who was a police officer and had another friend who was severly injured while answering a domestic disturbance call.

10-6-2016: Prosecutors: Police Killing of Unarmed Vermont Man Justified

Editorial noteJesse Beshaw, a 29 year old white man was shot six times and grazed with a seventh shot on Sept. 16. When Black Lives Matter and similar protest concerning police shootings of unarmed men, whatever protections are put in place as a result also protect white victims. We're all in this together.

10-6-2016: Tulsa Police Department officer acquitted in killing of fleeing teenager

10-6-2016: DoJ to investigate Alabama prisons in 'possibly unprecedented' move

10-05-2016: St. Louis police union sues for freedom from wage parity with firefighters

Editorial note: As mentioned in our post, "Now Hiring Black Police Officers", Starting annual salary for a St. Louis Police Officer is $43,424. The median annual Police Patrol Officer salary in Saint Louis, MO is $51,683, as of September 30, 2016 according to Salary.com, with a range usually between $43,043-$60,985 not including bonus and benefit information and other factors that impact base pay.  

10-5-2016: Police Chief Sam Dotson enters mayors race, Mayor Slay wants him to resign

10-5-2016: Another battle over absentee votes in St. Louis heads to court next week

10-5-2016: Working class white men make less than they did in 1996

Editorial note: The situation will probably only get worse, half of all US jobs are predicted to be eliminated because of computerization and robotics. Automation will certainly dispropotionately affect working class jobs.

10-5-2016: Prepaid Debit Cards Users Will Get New Federal Protections

10-4-2016: Activists Confront Mayor about Unarmed Man Shot 109 Times by Police

10-4-2016: Man dies after being shocked with Taser 15 times, deputies face no charges

10-4-2016: Teachers' implicit bias against black students starts in preschool, study finds

Editorial note: See our related Educational Oppression page.

10-4-2016: ‘Don’t Say Drug Habit,’ New Government Guidelines Suggest

Editorial note: White privilege also applies to drug addiction. Now that middle class white neighborhoods have become the fastest growing source of new drug addicts, the vocabulary used to define and describe addiction has changed; even in the face of high profile reports of herion addicts endangering children.

10-4-2016: More than $1.3 million paid to settle claims against ex-officer in Pine Lawn

10-4-2016: Several municipal courts in St. Louis County to consolidate

10-4-2016: St. Louis NAACP says girl, 13, accused of shooting couple at beauty supply store is 'not a monster'

Editorial note: This murder occurred a few days after I watched "Purge: Election Year" and the Candy Bar Girl immediately came to mind. Similarly, this 13 year old girl was caught stealing and then returned to retaliate. This seems exactly the type of case adult certification of juveniles was designed for. Black Missouri teens are tried disproportionately as adults. However, when gun violence is running rampant in St. Louis, trying to make excuses for what appears to be premeditated murder doesn't feel right. I have the utmost respect for the NAACP's historical record, but I believe this stance was the wrong move. If she was only "acting out" and killed two people, how will she act out the next time?

10-4-2016: Judge won't drop charges against ex-cop who shot naked man

10-4-2016: California Prosecutors who withhold or tamper with evidence now face felony charges

10-4-2016: Ga. deputy fired for racist Facebook posts, targeting black motorists

10-4-2016: ‘Brutal’ video shows white officer violently arresting black man sitting on his mother’s porch

10-4-2016: Exclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence – sources

10-4-2016: Judge denies bond for fired Jackson cop accused of lying about being shot by black man

10-4-2016: Not One New York Police Officer Has a Body Camera

10-4-2016: Solar panels surpass coal-fired electricity in the UK

10-3-2016: Best Buy Agrees to Pay $3.8 Million Civil Penalty, Implement Internal Compliance Program for Distributing and Selling Recalled Products

10-3-2016:  FAFSA moves opening date to Oct. 1

10-3-2016: Police Detective Who Threatened To Kill Teens And Plant Drug Evidence, Is Suspended, Not Fired

10-3-2016: Georgia officer accused of lying about being shot is arrested

10-3-2016: Feds enlist police to scan gun-show customers' license plates, report finds

10-2-2016: St. Louis officers shoot and critically injure boy, 14, after he first fired at them, police say

Editoral note: The Cortez Bufford dash cam video, the police union's strong opposition to body cameras and their support of Jason Stockley, the former St. Louis Police Officer, charged with murder after video surfaced more than four years later has eroded many people's faith in and the benefit of the doubt concerning the truthfulness of police statements. It's no surprise that there were no body cameras. 

10-2-2016: HIV cure close after disease 'vanishes' from blood of British man 

10-2-2016: L.A. teen shot dead by cops running away, witnesses say

10-1-2016: Dash-cam video shows police trying to run over a mentally ill suspect before shooting him 14 times

10-1-2016: AT&T's CEO Forcefully Supported Black Lives Matter

10-1-2016: Pentagon Paid for Fake ‘Al Qaeda’ Videos

Editorial note: Visit our "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" page to learn how this may be part of a modern "Mockingbird" style operation.

10-1-2016: MetroLink passenger attacked, robbed at Delmar station asks, 'Why is there no help?'

10-1-2016: NY man who filmed Eric Garner's death heading to jail

10-1-2016: California: self-driving cars will not need licensed driver, given federal approval

10-1-2016: Why do people in other developed nations get better health care at half the price?

Put the power of the law in your hands