February 2017 News

2-28-2017: Missouri Supreme Court Upholds St. Louis’ $11 Minimum Wage

2-28-2017: Interfering with a cop ordinance in St. Louis County ruled constitutional by circuit judge

Editorial note: Since this ruling was at the Circuit Court level, it is still possible the the St. Louis County ordinance 701.110 could be challenged on Appeal, in Federal Court or could possibly ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The vagueness of the ordinance does make it likely to be abused in the future and subject to additional challenges.

2-28-2017: Missouri ranks in bottom third of nation in new report

2-27-2017: Missouri's top public defender to lawmakers: fund us, or accept cuts

2-27-2017: Missouri judge says state knowingly violated Sunshine law

2-27-2017: Trump refocusing on protecting police as some in minority communities worry about repercussions

2-27-2017: After 130 Years, Harvard Law Review Elects a Black Woman President

2-25-2017: These St. Louis charter schools have struggled for 14 years, but continue to evade closure

Editorial note: See our related post, "Hidden Racism of Charter Schools"

2-25-2017: Muhammad Ali’s Son Detained At Airport, Asked ‘Are You Muslim?’

2-24-2017: St. Louis considers new MetroLink routes

2-23-2017: Real estate and racism in St. Louis

2-23-2017: Missouri corrections employees describe hellish work environments, incompetent leaders

Editorial note: If it's hellish for employees, imagine how bad it must be for inmates, especially those innocent ones who took a plea deal to escape even longer sentences.

2-23-2017: Tobacco money will help avoid cuts of in-home care, school busing, Missouri governor says

2-23-2017: Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down city's LGBT protections

2-22-2017: Divided federal appeals court rules you have the right to film the police

2-22-2017: Off-duty LA cop pulls gun on teens walking on his lawn, fires a shot during scuffle

2-22-2017: Trump administration lifts transgender bathroom guidance

2-21-2017: St. Louis police serving search warrant come under fire, fatally shoot man

Editorial note: Why were police serving a search warrant at 8:30 p.m., in what police describe as a block known for drug activity? The 63 year old man might have been asleep and could have quite reasonably assumed someone was breaking into his house when police used a battering ram on the door. As we have stated, gun law is not equally applied. 

2-21-2017: For some families, pain at finding vandalized headstones at University City cemetery

Editorial note: First they came for Black Lives Matter, then Muslims, next they're coming for you!

2-21-2017: Missouri House approves police protections amid concerns for rights of protesters

Editorial note: See related, Protester rights. Utilize your right to a trial by jury. The night Trump was elected we posted, "Increase Your Legal Knowledge Before Trump Takes Oath of Office". The law has always been used to strip away rights and your only defense will be your understanding of the law and how to apply it for your benefit. 

2-21-2017: Assault Weapons Are Not Protected By the Second Amendment, Appeals Court Rules

2-21-2017: Trump denounces anti-Semitism in newly forceful condemnation

Editorial note: Trump's daughter, Ivanka converted to Judism and Trump's wife Melania is an immigrant, which is ironic considering much of his base expresses religious intolerance and disdain for immigrants. By targeting Muslims, Trump openned the door for Jews to be targeted. 

2-21-2017: Chicago Cop With 90 Misconduct Complaints Promoted To Commander

2-20-2017: Taking down student painting violated 1st Amendment, Clay claims in planned lawsuit

Editorial note: See our related post, "Police Depicted as Animals in Art".

2-20-2017: University City police investigate damage to headstones at Jewish cemetery

2-20-2017: Editorial: Combative police union head is hurting St. Louis

2-20-2017: Greitens not saying what he'll do with Missouri's $50 million in tobacco settlement money

2-20-2017: Analysis finds few Missouri prison employees nabbed by top investigator

2-20-2017: Proposal would add utility vehicles to Missouri 'move over' law

2-20-2017: VIDEO: Woman Shot With Police Projectiles at Don’t Shoot Portland Protest

2-18-2017: A mass killer: St. Louis heroin deaths hit new high

Editorial note: See our related post from last February, "A Dose of Heroin Reality" that predicted increasing heroin overdoses. 

2-17-2017: Larry Rice Is Now Running for Mayor

2-17-2017: Hazelwood man found dead in downtown St. Louis justice center

2-17-2017: St. Louis paying $500,000 to move north St. Louis home

Editorial note: See our related Eminent Domain page.

2-17-2017: Racism played a role in Flint water crisis, says state report

2-16-2017: Mayoral race exposes lack of leadership

Editorial note: See our related January post, "Divide and Conquer – The State of Black Politics in St. Louis". Many people including myself had never heard of Lyda Krewson before this election. The sad reality is that the three strongest black candidates, who all enjoy much stronger name recognition with two already holding city wide office would most like easily win, especially with combined support. However, egos and the HNIC mentally will result with the black vote split three ways leaving all the ego candidates defeated, a mayor endorsed by Slay and beholden to the police union. The status quo could be extended for another four years and the new encumbant mayor harder to defeat. I would really love to be wrong, but I don't think I am.  

2-16-2017: Missouri lawmakers advance bills to protect law enforcement

2-16-2017: Amid sexual harassment scandal, Missouri prisons deemed 'dysfunctional'

2-16-2017: Deputies’ jail fight caught on video

2-16-2017: Household debt is dangerously close to 2008 levels


Editorial note: St. Louis signing group ProjecX, were recognized with a resolution by the St. Louis Board of Aldermen and set an attendance record at the History Museum's Twilight Tuesday Jackson Five Tribute last year, and most recently was invited to attend New Edition's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Ceremony on January 23, 2017.

2-15-2017: St. Louis mayoral candidates may have to return $71k under new Missouri campaign limits

Editorial note: For those that may be wondering about campaign contributions and free speech, check out; ""

2-15-2017: Sex Investigation Targets St. Louis Police Officers

2-15-2017: St. Louis group pushes for reform amidst heroin battle

2-15-2017: India launches record 104 satellites at one go

Editorial note: India is making itself "great again". Before British rule and colonization, India had the largest ecomony in the world. India recently surpassed Britian to become the fifth largest economy in the world. Trump's withdrawal from the Asian trade deal will not do much to "make American great again".

2-14-2017: Black St. Louis police officers' group to take concerns to Civilian Oversight Board

2-14-20174: GOP lawmaker cuts off NAACP president's testimony, sparking a tense "NAACP Day" at Capitol

2-14-2017: It's official: St. Louis Lambert International Airport is our airport's new name

2-14-2017: State not required to name execution drug pharmacies, appeals court rules

2-14-2017: Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

2-14-2017: Russia sends spy ship near US coast, deploys banned missiles at home, officials say

2-13-2017: Is Missouri on track to build a new state prison?

Editorial note: The Missouri solution, cut education funding, raise college tuition, build more prisons.

2-13-2017: Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigns

2-13-2017: Foreigners are pulling back from U.S. debt like never before

2-13-2017: Denver cop pleads guilty to stealing cash from suspect while his body camera was rolling

2-12-2017: Abandoned homes in Kansas City to go on sale for $999

2-12-2017: Leader of Missouri KKK group found shot to death near the Big River

2-12-2017: Social media mocks Education Department for misspelled tweet

2-12-2017: No place like home: America’s eviction epidemic

2-11-2017: Missouri Republicans' push to limit lawsuits could have unexpected beneficiaries: themselves

2-11-2017: Yale drops slavery proponent Calhoun from college name

2-10-2017: At $29 a night, candid Airbnb listing in north St. Louis draws attention

Editorial note: See related information about the "Team Four Plan"

2-10-2017: Court Rules Against Right To Self-Represent In Involuntary Mental Health Treatment Cases

2-9-2017: Judge puts St. Louis soccer stadium, MetroLink expansion tax on ballot

Editorial note: Voting no! Not against soccer stadium, just against public dollars funding a private project when there are so many actual needs don't have funding. 

2-9-2017: Dermatologist wrongly diagnosed patients with cancer for profit

Editorial note: This is why second opinions are always a good idea.

2-9-2017: Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record High

2-8-2017: Messenger: Evicted renter who ended up homeless gets her day in court

2-8-2017: Missouri schools: Busing cut proposal will hurt classrooms

2-8-2017: St. Louis County Leaders Introduce ‘Prop P’ for Police

2-8-2017: Veteran Missouri sheriff sentenced to federal prison for stealing almost $79,000

2-8-2017: Ex-police chief in East St. Louis pleads guilty of theft, agrees to cooperate in corruption probe

2-8-2017: US police have already killed more than 100 people this year

2-8-2017: Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trump's attacks on judiciary are 'demoralizing'

2-8-2017: Senate confirms Sessions for attorney general

2-8-2017: America's youngest children most likely to live in poor economic conditions

2-8-2017: NSA contractor indicted for stealing more than 50TB of government secrets

2-8-2017: U.S. court blocks Anthem-Cigna $54 billion deal

2-8-2017: The Number Of Hungry And Homeless Students Rises Along With College Costs

2-7-2017: Tuition increases on the table for Missouri colleges

2-7-2017: Study shows 530 percent increase in number of Missouri babies born with opioid addiction

2-7-2017: Missouri officials' next step: Deciding how to pay for voter ID law

2-7-2017: Income share for the bottom 50% of Americans is ‘collapsing,’ new Piketty research finds

2-6-2017: 3 students suspended after Parkway school bus fight involving boy with Trump hat

2-6-2017: Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens to sign 'right-to-work' into law on Monday

2-6-2017: Vizio smart TVs tracked viewers around the clock without consent

2-5-2017: Ex-convict brings hope to a north St. Louis neighborhood

2-5-2017: Missouri consumer law is under attack

2-5-2017: In unprecedented move, pension plan cuts benefits for retirees

Editorial note: We warned on December 22, 2015, that more than a million retirees could see their pensions cut in half. Half of all jobs in the United States are in danger of being eliminated because of automation and robotics. Additionally, with more states including Missouri becoming right to work, even less money will be paid into pension funds. 

2-5-2017: Ex-cop convicted of stealing from drivers during traffic stops

2-5-2017: Milwaukee sheriff's star rises, but he remains polarizing

2-5-2017: Trump’s F.C.C. Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules

2-5-2017: Breaking: Ballistic missile strikes Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Editorial note: See our 2-3-2017 comment concerning Yeman.

2-5-2017: Pentagon failed to disclose up to thousands of air strikes: report

2-4-2017: Municipal court business is way down after Ferguson unrest

2-4-2017: Why does Chesterfield spend $84,000 a year on a piece of vacant land?

2-4-2017: Along for the Ride: Maryland Heights interchange tops list of 'most dangerous' intersections in state

2-3-2017: Settled: Ferguson pays $3 million to family of naked, unarmed man who died after police encounter

2-3-2017: St. Louis soccer stadium, MetroLink plans approved by Board of Aldermen

2-3-2017: Minnesota man who shot 5 Black Lives Matter protesters found guilty

2-3-2017: FCC blocks 9 companies from providing low-income internet access

Editorial note: If you received SNAP (food stamp) benefits, you probably qualify for $5 or $10 high speed Internet service.

2-3-2017: Trump Has 2 Events This Weekend — And Both Benefit His Businesses

Editorial noteTrump’s Mar-a-Lago getaway could cost taxpayers more than $3 million. After Trump was sworn in as president, the Mar-a-Lago membership fee doubled to $200,000, prompting speculation that the Trump organization was selling access to President Trump.

2-3-2017: U.S. Navy deploys guided missile destroyer USS Cole off coast of Yemen

Editorial note: As we expressed in a post last month, "Billionaire President Equals Massive Military Industrial Complex Profits".

2-3-2017: Judge slaps hold on Trump's travel ban

2-2-2017: Jennifer Joyce calls for change candidate

Editorial note: Lyda Krewson, as of January 27, 2017 was in the lead according to polls, which is to be expected in a racially polorized city with five black candidates. Sometimes things are not what they seem. I have to wonder if Joyce's semi-endorsement of two candidates is in reality an attempt to further split the black vote or to deflect votes away from the leading black candidate. "Beware of strangers bearing gifts". I don't know Joyce or any of the candidates running for mayor, however, I have voted for the two candidates who hold citywide office. Running for political office is sort of like warfare, winner take all. "All warfare is based on deception" – Sun Tzu, "The Art of War".

2-2-2017: Mayor Slay Endorses Lyda Krewson; Jennifer Joyce Isn't So Sure

Editorial note: See related, "Divide and Conquer – The State of Black Politics in St. Louis".

2-2-2017: 4 stars: 'I Am Not Your Negro' takes the measure of black America

2-2-2017: Report: FBI Finds White Supremacists Infiltrated Law Enforcement Agencies

Editorial note: We've had information on our site for some time about white supremacist in law enforcement, this is not a new development and has existed since the formation of police departments.

2-2-2017: Greitens budget plan cuts aid for elderly, disabled

2-2-2017: Greitens introduces $27.6 billion budget plan

2-2-2017: How will right-to-work impact union workplaces in the St. Louis area?

Editorial note: As a former U.S. Postal employee, I was a member of the union, even though union membership is optional for federal employees. I didn't join the union until I decide it was the right choice for me and that is how it should be. No one should be forced to join any organization to work.  Unfortunately, the highest paying union jobs have a very small percentage of working black members. At one point, I worked in management at a majority African-American owned and operated transportation business. When our trucks would arrive at union sites, our employees were not allowed to unload their own trucks. They had to wait at the dock, while mostly white union laborers unloaded and completed other work inside that our guys would traditionally do at non-union sites. Right to work may result in African-Americans gaining employment in areas where union membership was a barrier. This is not an indictment of all unions, but to some degree unions restrict non-whites from some of the best paying jobs. Even in black communities, it's common to see all white work crews on construction and other work sites.

2-2-2017: Missouri lawmakers send right-to-work bill to Gov. Greitens' desk

2-2-2017: A history lesson at the movies: Gateway students, families gifted with a trip to see ‘Hidden Figures’

Editorial note: Hidden Figures was mentioned in our post, "Tired of the Same Black History Lessons?" where we highlight how even during Black History month, nothing new is taught to students in schools. Although our site already prominently features black history and how it relates to injustices the criminal justice system, keep an eye out for our post this month for interesting black history information.

2-2-2017: Donald Trump Co-Opted Black History Month and Got It All Wrong

2-2-2017: We need Black History Month now more than ever

2-2-2017: Nun receives death threats for suggesting Mary was not a virgin

2-1-2017: Sheriff for the City of St. Louis says judiciary is blocking his ability to hire staff

2-1-2017: Aldermanic committee approves MLS financial plan and Scottrade Center upgrades

2-1-2017: Speed humps being installed on some St. Louis streets

2-1-2017: Alderman makes push for St. Louis as a Sanctuary City

2-1-2017: Brown and Crouppen says crime in downtown St. Louis may lead to firm moving

2-1-2017: Hackers Broke Into St. Louis Public Library Though Voicemail Server

2-1-2017: Massive Price Hike for Lifesaving Opioid Overdose Antidote

2017 News Items

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