Black people have ‘violent tendencies’?

A patrol car video was publicly released Thursday that shows a white Austin, Texas police officer, Bryan Richter, violently throwing a 26-year-old, black elementary school teacher, Breaion King, to the ground during a traffic stop. As the white officer slings King to the ground, she screams, “Oh my God! … Why are you doing this to me?” 

Another white officer, Patrick Spradlin, tells her that black people have "violent tendencies" and whites are justifiably afraid while he is transporting her in a patrol car, after her arrest.

Traffic Stop Dash Cam Video

Legal research animated 250 x 250

Patrol car video

After centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, police brutality and racism, it is amazing that black people have never, in any meaningful way, tried to exact vengeance. Black people were kidnapped, beaten, chained, enslaved, raped, lynched and endured countless other atrocities and are still being mass incarcerated and dealing with the type of indignity shown in these videos. 

A three-minute cartoon uses animation and comedy to make a poignant statement about America’s violent racial history.

How dare that cop talk about black people having violent tendencies. He needs to check the violent tendencies and history of his people.