When the enemy is treated better than you

While having Sunday dinner with my parents, we discussed the death of Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali had been a guest in my parent's house in the 1970's while participating in a hunger run with my uncle, Dick Gregory. I was supposed to have met Muhammad Ali during that visit, but I missed my opportunity.

Mr. Ali's visit was secret and I was told not to let anyone know he was coming. My best friend at the time live two houses down the street and how many 10 or 11-year-old kids can resist sharing that type of news with their best friend? When I arrived back home with my friend, I was told Muhammad Ali would not be able to make it, so my friend and I left. Ali had come and gone while I was at the park with my friend. 

I embedded a number of videos of  Muhammad Ali that I knew wouldn't be shown by mainstream media. I shared some of those videos with my parents. In one video, Ali stated, "I'm not gonna help nobody get something a negro don't have". My father chimed in on that comment and expressed he knew something was wrong during World War II and felt black men probably shouldn't be fighting.

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Six of my father's brothers fought in combat during World War II. Dad explained when he was a teenager, German prisoners of war would be bussed in from Fort Leonard Wood and taken to the Fox Theather to watch movies. He mentioned how Black active duty soldiers home on leave in uniform with a chest full of metals were not allowed to enter the Fox. Even as a child, he knew it was wrong that German prisoners of war had more rights than black men fighting for our country. America was treating our enemies during a time of war better than Black citizens fighting against those same enemies. The majority of those soldiers stayed in the U.S. and became citizens and married American women according to a newspaper article my father read a short time after the war.

In 2016, it's rouge police officers rather than German prisoners of war 

Rouge cops abusing people's rights, committing acts of police brutality and killing unarmed black men, women and children are enemies to our safety and security. Thug prosecutors who help cover up illegal acts committed by rogue cops are also enemies. When cops commit illegal acts, they should be brought to justice just like anyone else. In fact, a police officer breaking the law breaks a sacred trust and should be held to a higher standard. Instead, they pay almost no consequences for their actions, unless a video exists. 

On May 30th and 31st, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson, complained about judges being too lenient and providing bail amounts he considers too low for criminal defendants.  In December, a St. Louis public defender claimed the police chief and prosecutor unfairly influence gun crime bail. However, Dotson is not as vocal when the wrongdoer is from his own police department. 

A Former St. Louis prosecutor admitted helping cover up officer's assault, but did she go to jail? No, her law license suspended. Did Chief Dotson speak out then? A former Texas prosecutor conspired to send an innocent man to death row and disbarment was the only punishment. These sort of prosecutors are enemies to liberty and freedom and should face severe punishments rather than mere slaps on the hand.

The Ferguson Protest brought national attention to how our courts were being used to unfairly penalize black people. The police chief and prosecutor responded by trying to create an even harsher treatment, aimed specifically at black folks, for non-violent unlawful possession of a gun; in a state where the right to keep and bear guns is a constitutional right. 

How long will we continue to simply watch while our enemies are being treated better than we are? We need to learn the law, speak up and act! If you are done wrong by the police, prosecutor or judge file a complaint. After you file your complaint, send us a copy.